? AIN_RDMA_CH.C —Demonstrates reading a 4–20 mA A/D converter channel. The current
being monitored will be displayed continuously in the STDIO window.
Before you run this sample program, place jumpers across pins 1–2, 3–4, 5–6, and 7–8 of
header JP1 on the A/D Converter Card. Connect an external power supply (make sure the
power supply is set at 0 V and is turned off) between one of the analog input channels and
GND with a 500 ? resistor and an ammeter connected as shown for the AIN_CALMA_
CH.C sample program. If you do not use the 500 ? resistor to simulate a 4–20 mA current
source from a voltage swing of 0–10 V, your power supply voltage output cannot exceed
2.0 V.
Now power up the master and the A/D Converter Card, and compile and run the sample
program. Turn the external power supply on and follow the prompts in the Dynamic C
STDIO window.
? AIN_RDSE_ALL.C —Reads and displays the voltage and equivalent values of all single-
ended analog input channels. Coefficients are read from the A/D Converter Card. The
computed raw data and equivalent voltages will be displayed.
Before you run this sample program, make sure your 0–10 V external power supply is off
and is set to 0 V. Connect the power supply between one of the AIN00–AIN07 analog
channels and GND. Connect a voltmeter across the power supply connections.
Now power up the master and the A/D Converter Card, and compile and run the sample
program. Turn the external power supply on and follow the prompts in the Dynamic C
STDIO window.
? AIN_RDSE_CH.C —Reads and displays the voltage and equivalent values of one single-
ended analog input channel. Coefficients are read from the A/D Converter Card. The com-
puted raw data and equivalent voltages will be displayed.
Before you run this sample program, make sure your 0–10 V external power supply is off
and is set to 0 V. Connect the power supply between one of the AIN00–AIN07 analog
channels and GND. Connect a voltmeter across the power supply connections.
Now power up the master and the A/D Converter Card, and compile and run the sample
program. Turn the external power supply on and follow the prompts in the Dynamic C
STDIO window.
? AIN_READ_CALDATA.C —Dumps the calibration data for all the A/D converter channels
and the modes of operation. The calibration gain factor, offset values, and mode of opera-
tion will be displayed for each channel via the Dynamic C STDIO window.
RabbitNet Peripheral Cards
101-0954 KIT DEV RABBIT RCM3360/3370 INTL
101-1050-BE-00025 ADPT USB 2 A FEMALE-2 5PIN .25M
10112627-101LF MINI-SAS HD 1X2 EXT PCB
10112628-101LF MINI-SAS HD 1X4 EXT PCB
101-0689 功能描述:开发板和工具包 - 其他处理器 Serial-to-Ethernet RoHS:否 制造商:Freescale Semiconductor 产品:Development Systems 工具用于评估:P3041 核心:e500mc 接口类型:I2C, SPI, USB 工作电源电压:
101-0690 功能描述:KIT SERIAL-ETHERNET APPLICATION RoHS:否 类别:编程器,开发系统 >> 评估演示板和套件 系列:RabbitCore 3000 产品培训模块:Obsolescence Mitigation Program 标准包装:1 系列:- 主要目的:电源管理,电池充电器 嵌入式:否 已用 IC / 零件:MAX8903A 主要属性:1 芯锂离子电池 次要属性:状态 LED 已供物品:板
101-0691 功能描述:模块化系统 - SOM RCM3300 RABBITCORE RoHS:否 制造商:Digi International 外观尺寸:ConnectCore 9P 处理器类型:ARM926EJ-S 频率:150 MHz 存储容量:8 MB, 16 MB 存储类型:NOR Flash, SDRAM 接口类型:I2C, SPI, UART 工作电源电压:3.3 V 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 尺寸:1.97 in x 1.97 in x 6.1 in
101-0697 功能描述:单板计算机 BL2102 Bottom Mnt RoHS:否 制造商:Ampro By ADLINK 外观尺寸:EPIC 处理器类型:Intel Atom D510 频率:1.66 GHz 存储容量:2 GB (max) 存储类型:DDR2, L2 Cache 接口类型:Ethernet, PS/2, SATA, Serial, USB 工作电源电压:5 V, 12 V 功耗:13 W 最大工作温度:+ 70 C 尺寸:165.1 mm x 114.3 mm
101-0698 功能描述:模块化系统 - SOM RCM3310 RABBITCORE RoHS:否 制造商:Digi International 外观尺寸:ConnectCore 9P 处理器类型:ARM926EJ-S 频率:150 MHz 存储容量:8 MB, 16 MB 存储类型:NOR Flash, SDRAM 接口类型:I2C, SPI, UART 工作电源电压:3.3 V 最大工作温度:+ 85 C 尺寸:1.97 in x 1.97 in x 6.1 in
10-106C 制造商:Datak Corporation 功能描述:
10106DC 制造商:Freescale Semiconductor 功能描述:10106DC
10106F 制造商:North American Philips Discrete Products Div 功能描述:Logic Circuit, Dual 3-Input NOR, 16 Pin, Ceramic, DIP